Monday, October 1, 2012

Videos of Cheering

Please take 4-5 minutes to watch these.  They are so cute.  You can see Julianna is front & center and you can also see how well she knew the cheers and how all the other girls watched her!

Story behind this one - her coach taught them this routine - they were the only squad who even did this and it was soo good.  Julianna knew this backwards and forwards and perfectly and just was again, the leader.  Well, this video is of their first performance ever to do it.  Watch her - she gets to a point where I can imagine her thinking, "Hey this is fun - look at all these people looking at me - I am so good!"  Well, there was an 8 count of jumping and pumping and she just kept on doing it - so when she's supposed to do the air guitar, she just keeps on jumping - looking at the crowd.  She finally realizes it at the end and then her legs crumble in her finishing pose.  You can even hear me say, "What is she doing??"  It's just funny.

This last video was put on by all the squads of all ages and they got together twice and worked on it.  Julianna caught on immediately and did a great job.  At the end I loose track of her behind some girls but then she pops out for her final pose.  You'll see!