Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Song of Solomon Youth Banquet

Through January and early February, our youth went through a study on Purity and the Song of Solomon.  It ended with a banquet for the students and their parents and pledges of purity.  The young ladies received purity rings and the young men received dog tags to wear.  It was a great thing for all of us and I have a few pictures to share of the evening.

Christian & Rebecca before the banquet - can't believe how grown up they are!

So cute!

Someone took this of us as we were standing with Rebecca during her pledge time!
This is part of the group of kids

This is the other part of the group!

Rebecca - age 12
Christian - age 13

Christian with his good friend, Claire!

These are friends of ours from Bryan College.  God had a unique way of bringing them to our church which we are thrilled in so many ways and I just had to take this picture of them as they sat with us at a table with their sons!

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