Saturday, July 17, 2010

Memorial Day Soccer Tournament in Memphis

Christian's soccer team decided to go to Memphis this year for our end of the season, out of town tournament. We've never played in Memphis before so we were looking forward to it. It ended up being a much smaller tournament than we thought, but at least we didn't have to fight the crowds and parking problems we thought we would. We played at the Mike Rose Soccer Complex and played 2 games on Saturday and one on Sunday. We played in the championship game on Sunday and lost 1-2, which was a really good game. So we walked away as the Finalists, and we were very proud of our team. For the last couple of years, this team has played 8v8 (8 players on a team). In the fall, we move up to 11v11 (11 players on a much bigger field). We had a very successful season and a great way to end this stage and be ready to move on to bigger and better (hopefully) things!

Since my brother and his wife live in the Memphis area, they were able to come to the Saturday night game. James was so cute and was in a "throwing" mode - he'd just learned to really throw something so he tried to throw everything, including this shoe!!

Sweet picture - Julianna with Allison, another side-line sister!

Our team, the White House Revolution Boys 98 team with our 2nd place medals. Way to go!

Christian with Coach Matt!

Everyone was pleased there was a pool at the hotel so we were able to swim a couple of times. The boys (and girls) had a blast and wore themselves out - needless to say we all slept well at night.

Everyone on Coach Matt

A few of the sisters

Julianna & her special friend, Cayman.

Roughing around with Coach John


Daddy took a little time and worked with Julianna (since we forgot her floaties). Working on floating here.

1 comment:

The Fish Family said...

Great photos - So neat Christian has really made such a strong connection with these boys over the years! Did you hear Mom ran into Rachel's old soccer coach (Coach Thompson) last Sunday?