Sunday, February 1, 2009

So I'm finally writing about my girlfriend's weekend in January. Shame on me, but as always, "life" has taken over so it's harder to find the time I'd like to sit down and share.

Most of you know, but I wanted to share that I have 5 special friends from Bryan college and in some combination, we have gotten together every year since graduation. So that means for the last 16 years, we have juggled every which way our lives and families and jobs to "get-away" with each other. The early years were pretty easy.... take the day off work and grab your hubby and meet at BC Homecoming. Then babies began to make their appearance and it was a bit more complicated.....16 years later and 21 kids later, you can imagine we jump through quite a few hoops to "get-away" but this year, all 6 of us were able to make it.

We've stayed in a variety of places of the years... hotels, houses, cabins and a lake house, which we've done the last 3 years. We come from many states and now even another country (Thanks, Laura!) This year, we returned to the Warren Lake House in Alabama and continued to keep the economy of Rome Georgia strong (not as strong as in previous years for sure, but we certainly contribute to their food & clothing industry there!)

The thing I love most about these girls is that no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other or how often we talk on the phone or email each other, when we are together, it's as if there's been no time apart. These are precious girls who have walked with me personally through multiple boyfriends in college, the other ups & downs of college life, waiting on engagement, the ring, the bridesmaid dresses (although some of them don't remember them!), the wedding, the job and working, the desire for a baby, pregnancy, a BABY!!, what to do with a baby, job changes, moves, church ups & downs, surprise, another baby..... and the list goes on. These girls have been, in one way or another, as involved in my adult life as my own parents and siblings. I cherish these friendships more than I can even express....

So I didn't know I'd say all that, but I will say that we had a great weekend. It was cold, but bearable and we enjoyed eating out, shopping, movies, sharing, laughter and even old pictures and videos from college days.... Thank you to the husbands, grandparents, neighbors, friends and everyone else who contribues in some small way to allow this opportunity for these moms. I always am refreshed and rejuvinated after this weekend and ready to "hit the road of life" when I return.

Below you'll see some funny pictures!!

My dear husband made this photo collage for me. Before graduation, we had a "photo shoot" and did some funny things. Well, someone had the idea to recreate at least the pyramid picture since we were all there. Here you will see it in 1992 and again in 2009! I think the biggest change has just got to be the hair!!! I didn't want to call Matthew back and ask for the correct order on the close up so we just went with whatever on that. That's my favorite picture of the weekend.

I couldn't resist putting in a few funny pictures of our trying to get the pyramid built. Good thing for camera timers!!

If only I'd had a video on this - you can't imagine the laughing and grunting and groan while taking these pictures. Let's just say our backs aren't quite as strong as they were 16 years ago...

Where's Laura???

Whether he will admit it or not, my father-in-law left me a little gift in the bathroom...

We found the most perfect sign for Kim

....and Laura, too!


The Fish Family said...

I loved seeing your photos from your girls weekend! You all look super - not a day older and your hair looks so much healthier! Thanks for sharing!

Tiffany McDonald said...

I can't believe you guys pulled off the piramid with no injuries. You go girls!