Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Science Fair Projects

Well, we did it. We finally finished and turned in the Science Fair projects. Best news is that Christian is done. He doesn't have to do anymore. Rebecca only has one left. Whoo-hoo!!

This year, we divided along gender lines. I helped Rebecca do her project and Matthew helped Christian with his.

Rebecca did hers on Body Temperature. She did basically the same project I did in middle school. She tested body temperature on 3 of us (me, Rebecca & Christian). It was interesting. I've always had a much lower body temperature but for whatever reason, that week, mine was much higher!! Anyway, it was fun and Rebecca really did a good job on it.

Christian wanted to do something a bit more scienctific, so he tested to see if fruits and vegetables would conduct electricity. That was a bit more complicated and neither Matthew nor Christian know much about electricity. It turned out to be a good project. For the 5th graders, they had to write a paper in addition to their log book so that took a bit more effort on their part. Needless to say, Rebecca & I took notes for next year - make sure we know about the subject matter and like it!!!

Either way, we are extremely proud of both of the kids.

Our Project

The boys project


SevenSwansaswimming said...

Congrats on a job well done!

Anita J. said...

Those are some really nice looking posters. SO neatly done! WTG Mom.