Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Friday 2009

On Good Friday, we went down to my sister, Cassie's house in Leiper's Fork for the day. My brother, Justin and his wife came in from Memphis for a shortened day so we headed down early. We decided to have an egg hunt for the kids and we had over 200 eggs to hide. The weather was turning ominous so we quickly hid the eggs and had the kids go find them. By the end of the hunt, the skies were grey and the lightning and thundering had begun but we made it and found all but one of the eggs (which was later found as we were leaving!)

My neice's birthday was Saturday and we were able to celebrate with her on Friday since we were all together. As usual, when our families are together, things are wild but we always have a great time together. We missed my sister Rachel and her family out in Washington and even my Dad couldn't make it due to work, but we're already looking forward to this summer when we're all together!

Josiah was creative with his Easter basket

Anna Blair finding eggs

Rebecca took a moment for a picture during the hunt

This was in a major prickly bush and Christian's comment was, "I hope it's not a Snickers for all I'm going through." Sure enough, it was a Snickers (he doesn't like the peanuts - it made Dad happy)

Mandy is practicing for her new little one with sweet little Lydia

Julianna and Ruth found lots of eggs

Josiah found a few - the funniest thing was that he found some Life Savers and kept putting them in his basket, which you can see how they would keep falling through the slits, then he'd pick it back up and put it back in and on and on. Too cute!

Hurry!!! A group picture before the rain begins - even Papa got in this one

Anna Blair turns 8 with 2 Oreo Ice Cream cakes and Josiah was quite the helper with blowing out the candles.

These silly girls enjoyed playing dress up with some of Mimi Blair's old wigs - how cute

Justin brought a few things to pawn off to the kids and decided to "sell" them to the kids. You can tell by the smile on Caleb's face that he was the highest bidder on this globe and magic books. Sadly, enough, he paid Uncle Justin for the globe, which his mother wouldn't let him keep so he gave it to Christian. It is now in our car to head to the Yard Sale at church!!!

Julianna thinks she's so funny - this is bunny teeth gummy candy that she got from school

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