Sunday, January 31, 2010

Girlfriends Weekend 2010

Over MLK weekend, I had the privilege to go away for a weekend with my closest college girlfriends. If you know me, you know I've had the opportunity to do this every year since we graduated. What an honor. It does seem to get a little easier over the year, considering we're leaving 6 husbands and 21 kids between the 6 of us, but with the help of our wonderful hubbies, mom, neighbors and friends, we are able to pull it off.

This year was a bit different - we stayed in all day on Saturday. It was awesome. Some of us took showers around 4pm and then put back on our pj's. Then we all ended up climbing into the big king size bed and started plans for a bigger trip next year - a celebration. Yes, that's right - we all turn 40 over these next 12 months and are considering the idea of a bigger trip. We'll see!

We did do some shopping, eating out and an unusual amount of movie watching. And this year, we didn't do as many picture taking. I'm posting one of the best ones of all of us - it did take quite a few tries. But I just want to say that these 5 girls here mean the world to me and I truly thank God for their unconditional love and friendship to me.

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