Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas with the Paynes

We got to go down to Leiper's Fork and celebrate Christmas with my family - the Paynes. Everyone was there but Rachel and her family which always makes us sad. We had the meal at Mom and Dad's this year and then opened gifts. We all went with Stocking Stuffers this year and it was fun for everyone to open some gifts. Here are my pictures!!!

Matthew is all over me about holding the camera the wrong way and this proves it - I'm trying, though. I like this picture and had to post it - it's the kid's table in the bonus room.

Sweet Lydia - she hadn't been feeling well

Papa and James

Love this - Josiah laid down on the floor with James and played with him

Belle stole Kramer's bone - it's almost as big as she is!

The kids patiently waiting for present time!

Love this picture - My dad and my brother carrying on the Santa tradition


James received a cool gift - A "Jock in the box" - out jumps a GA football player!!

Anna Blair



Mom broke out Mimi & Papa Payne's silver punch bowl and served us all eggnog. Yum!

Christian had never tried it - of course he didn't like it but said it tasted like banana milk

Julianna is about to try the eggnog for the first time, too

Can you tell she liked it???

Christian received the Horse's Rear award - sort of from last year but that's because Uncle Eric loved it so much and wouldn't pass it on - but Christian got it for his broken tooth incident(s)!!!

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