Friday, November 21, 2008

Keep on going......down!!!!

One week after my last post, since we filled up the tank of our Yukon last Friday, I thought it appropriate to show you what we paid today.... Look below!!!

That's right - we paid $1.55 a gallon. (We did fill up so it did cost more than $2.05) We're certainly enjoy it while it's lasting! I just checked Christian's baby book - we paid $1.07 in April of 1998 when he was!


rachel said...

that is amazing-i paid $1.98 today and that is the cheapest up here! when addelyn was born in june, the cost was $3.99-silly-hope it keeps going down-makes me want to fill up everyday in case it all the sudden goes up! :)

BayBeeBlair said...

That is totally awesome that gas is that cheap. Atlanta is holding steady at around $1.98 (although you know we had run out when it was $4.99 a gallon a month or so ago - we could only buy $20 bucks worth at a time and lines were miles long). Sad. Glad I'm on my 4th Volkswagen!