Friday, May 7, 2010

Christian turns 12

It's hard to believe that Christian is 12!!!! The month of April started out as a whirlwind for us (what's new, huh?) so Christian's birthday celebration got squeezed in but it all turned out fine. He had a great day and we look forward to this final year before he becomes a teenager!!!

Georgia Tech pj pants

Christian got a camera

Christian got a bass guitar at Christmas and has really enjoyed playing it. He asked for a hard case and was thrilled to get one

He asked for the Oreo Ice Cream cake, with mint Oreos & ice cream....yummy!

Christian's teacher had optional after school study days for a couple of weeks due to the snow days we were out and getting prepared for TCAP Testing. He chose to stay after school on his birthday so I delivered a cookie cake for him and his class's snack after school. His teacher took this for me.

1 comment:

The Fish Family said...

How come I can't have 3 cakes on my birthday??