Friday, August 16, 2013

5K with a Meaning

We have a friend of ours that we used to go to church with that passed away suddenly a couple of years ago.  Her name was Jennifer Green and she was an amazing woman and mother of 4.  One of her children is special needs and attends one of the local county schools.  They recently were able to open a new kitchen area at this school for their Special Needs students based on the money her foundation has raised.

There is a 5K in her memory on the weekend of Memorial Day and we usually are out of town for Soccer, but this year we were in town, so the kids and I were able to participate in it this year.  We hooked up with Brandi and her kids and were all on a team.  My run/walk partner was Julianna and I loved it.  It was a fun morning for a great cause!
The kids (Brandi's in the background!)
My partner & I before the race
Our view at the beginning of the race
Julianna and I kept a pretty good pace the first half - she petered out after that and we walked the rest of the way.  I did make her run to the finish line though!

Christian made good time - he came in first of all of us

Morgan came in 2nd (in our group)

Michael ended up with a nose bleed in the middle of the race so his time wasn't what he wanted - and he ran with tissue shoved up his nose.
Rebecca and Brandi Ran together a lot of the time

Here comes Brandi

And here is Julianna & Me!
After the race - LOVED running (and walking) with her....

My family - Christian thought his time was 24 minutes (it was 25)

Christian & Michael (being photo bombed by the sisters)

Beautiful sisters

The girls (and Michael's turn to bomb)

We ran into Connor and his Mom - Julianna went to Mother's Day Out with him when they were 2 and such good friends - love this picture1

Julianna enjoyed some of the festivities after the race

Matthew took this picture of us that afternoon - apparently the 5K got the best of us!!!

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