Monday, July 18, 2011

My Children have problems.......

This is a goofy post, I know, but I have a couple of children who have problems.  As much as their mother enjoys pictures and they've known since birth when to smile, we have a blinking problem.  I don't know if it's the camera or just them, but with Christian & Julianna, it take MANY, MANY, MANY tries to even get a decent pictures.  So I had to post these.  These are just a few of the pictures we took to get a shot of Christian before his braces and then later with Julianna and her first lost tooth.  Goofy Children!!!


We usually have quite a few of these!!

Then it usually ends up just hilarious for them (and frustrating for me)

1 comment:

Tiffany McDonald said...

Caleb said "nice Christian, nice Julianna") Thank goodness we don't have to buy film anymore and get to just delete these pictures. We don't have to pay to have them developed before seeing how goofy they are.