Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 40th Birthday, Matthew!

Saturday, June 27th, my dear husband turned 40. As much as I would have loved to throw him a big "Over the Hill" party, he did NOT want anything like that done. So we had a small get together with some friends over at the Locke's house that afternoon.

He did wake up to a little "gift" outside - from some of the youth before they headed off to camp!

A few black balloons, some black crate paper, some saran wrap and a funny sign!

Even though Christian was gone to basketball camp, he sent along another Auburn Bobble head for Dad!

Rebecca and Morgan being "Martha Washington"

Silly Girls

Gross, I know, but the girls wanted their picture taken - think they were in the pool long enough?

Chris was playing around with the camera - thought these were cute!

I like this one!

The Locke's did get a few black balloons and a sign - the other suff is stuff I got from the Youth Yard Sale at church - see, I didn't over do, bit just had a few decorations!

Rebecca & Morgan practiced and practiced a little "Happy Birthday" routine for Matthew...

Still more of the routine!

Oreo Ice Cream Cake - yummy!

Special Friends - Todd & Ann

Thanks, Chris & Brandi - we love you guys!

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