Christian has always been an excellent speller. In first grade, his teacher quickly noticed it and began to give him extra challenge words. His average in spelling is usually 100 or 101!
He won his class spelling bee which meant he got to compete in the school spelling bee. He won the school spelling bee, which meant he got to compete in the County Spelling Bee.
There were about 18 4th & 5th graders who competed in the County Spelling Bee. We studied for the Bee, but if you've read any of my previous blog posts, you'll see that he was also very busy with his Wax Museum project and the 4-H Clover Bowl. I told Christian that I just hoped he wouldn't get out in the first round... :-)
He didn't and he continued to spell words correctly until it was him and one ot
her boy. Christian spelled his word correctly (gardenia). Then the boy misspelled his word (guage). Then Christian had to spell one other word correctly and he would win. He was given the word "gazpacho." He spelled it with an "s" which was wrong, so it started over again with this boy. Christian spelled his next word correctly (gemstone), then the boy misspelled his word (genealogy) and Christian was given "generate." He spelled it correctly and WON the county spelling be. We were so excited for him. The neatest thing about the evening was that 2 of his 3 teachers were there to watch it and saw him win and were so proud of him.
They messed up on the medal so he got his certificate and we should get his medal in the mail in the next week or so. The lighting in the building is bad but I posted the pictures I got so you can see.
Also, for whatever reason, the county is not sending the winners on to the next level. I don't now if it's a money thing or what, but we're fine with that.