Sunday, April 12, 2009

Invention Convention

The Invention Convention is an annual competition held in the spring for public and private school fourth, fifth, and sixth grade children. The overall mission is to provide a fun and unique way for children to engage in divergent thought. The competition requires that the students actually make their inventions using their own creative imaginations. It is hoped that the development of such invention will help integrate many of the content areas taught in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade curricula.

Both Christian & Rebecca are in the RISE program at school and they entered projects into the Invention Convention. Then they got to go to MTSU's campus one school day and participate in it. They told me it was like my old science fair days where you were lined up and the judged would come around and you would give them your presentation on your project. They said they thought there was well over 100 projects there.

I had to brag on them for this. They both did very well with their groups and had a lot of fun.

Pirates Also Do Math (Board Game)
Rebecca, Makenzie, Chae, and Hunter (who is not picking his nose but using his pirate hook finger)

Rebecca's certificate

Rebecca's group won first place for "Best Presentation". She thinks they won because they used the word "fun-ducational"

Unbelievable US Travel (Board Game)
Brad, Christian, Rachel and Cameron

Christian's certificate

Christian's group won "Judges Favorite"

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