Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Lazy Christmas Day

We had no plans on Christmas Day so we enjoyed a lazy day at home.  It was filled with games and naps and lots of playing with puppy!!!  

Enjoying our new game - Disney Headbands

Julianna's new game

Rebecca's "friend" is Cole - family joke was that Rebecca had been bad and was getting Coal ("Cole") in her stocking.  So of course we found a bag of coal for her - so silly!!

Apparently Maggie loves her new sweater and Rebecca's new blanket!

Look - her sock monkey got a matching camo headband!

An afternoon nap

Enjoying her Lego's

Another nap?  He must be growing!

We heard a knock at the back door and there was Bree - So Julianna and her got to play a little bit together

More Headbands

Do you like the Mickey Mouse ears?

What cute puppies!!

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