Sunday, May 26, 2013

Youth Mystery Dinner

For the Youth Christmas celebration, they had a Youth Mystery Dinner.  We did this years ago with the youth, but of course not a single one of these students had ever done one.  It's so much fun for them but even more fun for those of us who watch and serve them.

They are given a menu and choose their selection to eat.  Each has different names so they are guessing what they will get.  This includes utensils, beverages, etc.  It can be quite humorous.  For example, one choice was "Sleep Relative" - well, as corny as it is, that's the choice for Napkin - get it?  Nap (sleepy) Kin (relative)???  :-)  (BTW, these were not my creations!)  Another one (a little easier) - "Boston's Best" (tea) or "Hot Eyes Underground" (Baked Potato).... now you get it??

Anyway, it was a fun evening for the kids and I tried to get a few pictures of them...

The decorated tables


Claire & Landon

Magan, Faith & Kayla

Lauren, Rebecca & Hope

Ben & Brenden

Matt & Eli

Thomas & Matthew

Christian & Michael

Our servers - Bekah, Abby, Jacob & Linda

Rebecca trying to figure out what she got!

Michael made some good choices for his first course

All dressed up!

Silly Silly!!!

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