Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Christian's knee injury

On Saturday of our tournament, we had an evening game.  Those are always fun to play under the lights on our Championship field.  All was going well until a few minutes before the end of the game.  We'd had a couple of guys get dinged up and so Christian was moved to a different position.  He was doing well and cleared the ball down the sideline and one of the opponents came at him with a cheap shot from behind.  He went down and didn't get back up.  They were able to move him off the field and the game resumed.  It was over within a few minutes so by the time I got over there, they'd called the paramedics (they were already there because of the tournament).  He was concerned both about his knee and his hip.  We were able to get him home and resting and decided to see what would happen in the morning.

He still wasn't better in the morning, so we decided we would get an appointment with the orthopedic first thing on Monday morning (before heading out of town on Fall Break).  We saw a great doctor who took x-rays and believed that we needed to have an MRI done.  He saw a couple of things in the x-ray he was concerned with and wanted a better view.  He put Christian on crutches and scheduled the MRI for that Saturday and a return visit for the results the following Tuesday.  We knew it would be a long wait!  

Results to follow.....

I had taken this picture with my phone - my camera doesn't do well at night up there at the field

This was how I found Christian after the game with the paramedic

Christian's ride back to our car!

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