Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kindergarten Graduation

Greenbrier Elementary had a graduation ceremony for the Kindergarteners but we were pleased it wasn't a huge to-do.  It was during the day and it was about a 30 minute program where the kids did all sorts of singing and fun.  Julianna just eats this stuff up, so she was in heaven.  She's just too cute - how can you not want to see her perform??  I will say that I will spare you videos - oh, I have them....I just want make you watch them!!!

Her graduation picture

Front & Center - I love it.

Involved in the song

I do wish I had this on video - they were singing a song about Peanut Butter and how much they loved it.  They would ask, "Do you like it on your shirt?  Yes, we like it on our shirt", etc.  with the hand motions.  You could tell something was up because they were all snickers and giggling when they got to the line "On our underwear - on our underwear!"

Julianna receiving her diploma from Ms. Diane

Our sweet girl

Celebrating with her in the classroom after the performance

2 of the loves of my life!!

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