We were able to go spend a couple of days with my family in Leiper's Fork. Unfortunately, my youngest sister, Rachel and her family were not here - Washington State is just tooo far away. Justin & his family made it from Memphis so we had a fun time together for a couple of days.
Pops playing Santa - Santa was trying to stir up the hornets nest here, trying to figure out "how" we were going to open gifts - he likes the wild and crazy and madness.....then afterward, he quietly slips to a corner and slowly and calmly opens his. We had a bit of a compromise this year!
Uncle Tim and the little girls anxiously waiting!
More kids waiting!
Ruth & Julianna
Aunt Mandy is awesome - she painted each of the kids these awesome pictures for their rooms. As you can tell, the kids were so thrilled!!
We brought the game Quelf. While some of the little kids were napping, I grabbed a group to play with me. The funny thing about this game is that the people watching laugh as much as those of us playing. It only ended up being Mandy, Anna Blair, Rebecca and me playing, although we had some spectators that were quite active in the game (JUSTIN!). This is the craziest game and so much fun..... see below for pictures!
Rebecca had to keep her thumbs in her mouth and her hands on her shoulders until it was her turn (or until another action card was drawn). She was not so happy, yet Caleb seems entertained by her!
Anna Blair had to lick this piece of paper and stick it to her forehead and keep it there until the time ran out or pay the penalty! She did great with her licking and paid no penalty!
Mandy the artist got this one -I had to draw 5 different shapes and some lines on a paper and she had to draw an illustration for a children's book and I think tell the story - she's quite proud!
I had to be a human pretzel here - there were many instructions on whose ankle, shoulder and knee I had to touch - not comfortable.....but awfully funny!
I believe Mandy may be speaking in her best ganster rap here!!
Caleb & Christian
Justin & Mandy
Uncle Matthew reads Josiah a book.
Sweet Lydia!
Justin & Mandy were playing Christian's new game, Loopz
We brought the game Quelf. While some of the little kids were napping, I grabbed a group to play with me. The funny thing about this game is that the people watching laugh as much as those of us playing. It only ended up being Mandy, Anna Blair, Rebecca and me playing, although we had some spectators that were quite active in the game (JUSTIN!). This is the craziest game and so much fun..... see below for pictures!
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