Fourth of July was on a Sunday this year, so we headed to the lake after church services that morning. When we arrived, the rest of the Warren clan was already there and had been there. We were there for about 24 hours with them all and made the best of our time on the water while we were all together. That of course explains why I don't have many other pictures than water pictures, but I did get some good ones of those.
Mitch, Lydian, Madeline & Lydian enjoy the tube together
The older 4 girl Warren cousins
A crazy hair ride!
Blakesly is all grown up! Love this picture
Love these 2 pictures of Mitch & Christian - surf's up
Christian falling off completely spun him around on top of the water
Blakesly & Hogan
Madeline & Mitch
Rebecca's turn
3 Martha Washingtons
All of the Warren grandchildren together
Carden International Circus
3 weeks ago
Fun times!
Great photos Katie!
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