Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Field Day

This year, the 5th graders got to have a "real" field day. By "real", I mean similar to what I had growing up - you know, softball throw, three legged race, sack race, 100 meter race, etc. They took the kids to a local park in Springfield that has a new nice running track and did the Field Day there. I went as a parent volunteer and ended up running the 200 meter race. Fortunately, a Mom that was following Christian's group of students was willing to take some pictures for me, so these are all from her.

(Rebecca had a Field Day at school too, which I helped with, but I was helping with the football toss and there wasn't a parent with their group so I didn't get pictures of that day for her. But to brag, her class WON first place in the kickball tournament. For some reason, that is a HUGE deal to the 4th graders at Greenbrier Elementary!! Even Christian was impressed!)

Hoola Hoop contest

Sack race

3 Legged Race with Eric

They actually won - they figured out that if they put their arms around each other (which most of the other teams didn't want to do), they could go faster!

Long Jump (Uncle Justin, I took a video but it's sideways so maybe I can show you later and you can tell us if there's any potential there!!!)

Christian's homeroom class - good group of kids!

Tug of war by classes (they may be the SMARTEST class, but they are definitely not the strongest!!!) :-)

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